Funding announcement from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan

The Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Foundation and Social Mission department are teaming up to award grants to Michigan’s medical safety net organizations.
For Michigan’s uninsured, underinsured, low-income and disabled residents, these organizations are sometimes the only option. Along with the Affordable Care Act, they have given thousands of residents access to primary care. Now we’re working toward getting those people the same type of access to specialty care.
This grant aims to increase access to specialties such as cardiology, gynecology and psychiatry, among others. We’ll award safety net providers that use innovative systems or technologies that help underserved residents get specialty care. We want other providers across the state to be able to replicate effective programs.
We’ll award a total of $200,000 to two or three organizations for up to two years each.
For more information or if you’d like to apply, find the requirements in the Specialty Care Access for Underserved Patients in Michigan (PDF). Include the cover sheet (PDF) with your application and send your packet to specialtyaccess@bcbsm.comby March 6, 2015. We’ll contact you by April 10, 2015 if we select you to present your full proposal.