Washtenaw County Opioid Summit

Register now for the Washtenaw County Opioid Summit, organized by the Washtenaw Health Initiative Opioid Project. This year’s summit will explore how substance use management, treatment, and recovery support services have changed in recent years, and will look at the insights we’ve gleaned from the pandemic’s effect on our local substance use disorder support landscape. … Read more

Seven cross-agency teams kick off SUD systems change transformation work with 100-day challenge

Since November 2018, dozens of representatives from Washtenaw-area organizations that are deeply involved in the prevention and treatment of substance use disorders (SUD) have been participating in an SUD system transformation process hosted by the Washtenaw Health Initiative. The goal? To improve the county’s SUD prevention and treatment system by identifying system barriers and weaknesses … Read more

Washtenaw County Opioid Summit

Register now for the Washtenaw County Opioid Summit, organized by the Washtenaw Health Initiative Opioid Project. In the morning, guests will hear from Jimena Loveluck, health officer for the Washtenaw County Health Department, and Nicole Adelman, clinical and SUD services director for the Community Mental Health Partnership of Southeast Michigan. The morning keynote will be … Read more