Work Group: MHSUD
Final substance use systems change convening
On May 21st, the third and final SUD systems change convening occurred. Participants shared community input on the systems change suggestions that resonated best with stakeholders, which organizations were interested in championing them, and which seemed problematic. Then participants collaborated on an action plan, including what to do, how to fund it, and how to … Read more
Second SUD systems change convening
The second convening of the three-part SUD systems change process took place February 20 – 21 at the Dawn Farm Community Barn in Ypsilanti. Roughly five-dozen participants from a range of substance use prevention and treatment programs attended, collaborating on an action plan to improve community wellbeing and reduce harm from substance use disorders.
Three dozen participate in SUD systems change initiative
The first convening of a three-part system’s change process took place November 7-8 at Eastern Michigan University. A part of the State Innovation Model project, the process was designed to better address substance use disorders through systems change. More than three-dozen participants attended, including representatives from community mental health organizations, substance use disorder treatment providers, … Read more
TaMMS decreases depression, anxiety symptoms
In early 2017, after three years of operation, the Tailored Mental Health Management and Support (TaMMS) Project concluded. Over this time, the intervention served 585 participants. The implementation team met monthly with the WHI to share statistics, troubleshoot problems, and get support. Later, on April 10, 2018, Gregory Dalack, former co-chair of the Mental Health … Read more
Public Safety and Mental Health Preservation Millage passes
On November 7, Washtenaw County residents voted two to one to approve the county’s Public Safety and Mental Health Preservation Millage. Millage resources would allow the Washtenaw County Community Mental Health agency to expand its services to a broader range of residents, enhance stabilization and prevention services, and work with the Sheriff’s Office to improve … Read more
Joining forces to address mental health needs
In November, the Safety Net Clinic Coordination workgroup and the Mental Health and Substance Abuse workgroup joined together to address shared interests and brainstorm future projects. The interest in this collaboration between workgroups was sparked following the primary care capacity assessment. The capacity analysis of Washtenaw County’s primary care clinics used data at three points … Read more
Study informs public safety, mental health millage ballot initiative
In July, CHRT finalized the Mental Health and Substance Use Service Gaps Assessment and brought findings to the Washtenaw County Community Mental Health (WCCMH) agency and the WHI’s Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder workgroup. CHRT’s study was later used to inform the development of a Public Safety and Mental Health Preservation Millage ballot initiative, … Read more
WHI explores gaps in mental health services
In November, a partnership between the newly formed Washtenaw County Community Mental Health (WCCMH) agency and the Washtenaw Health Initiative (WHI) was initiated. The WHI’s Mental Health and Substance Use workgroup was asked to assist WCCMH by conducting an assessment, investigating gaps in mental health services across the county.